A Bright Shining Lie

$$"English School"
Excuse me.
Do any of you ladies speak English?

We all speak English.
- You're students at this school?
- They are students. I am the teacher.

You're the teacher?
I hope this is my lucky day.

I need a good translator,
and I'd be honored if you'd help me.

Now I must go.
Do you still want me to translate?

Yes, I do.
Would you read the last entry?
"The Americans are here.
They have brought tanks
and helicopters.

The young men are afraid...
but I tell them...
'Do not fear,
because the Americans are huang phi."'

Huang phi.
It's a word that means "soft."

Well, actually--
Do you understand?

"They can never win because they use
only those of our people...

who are also huang phi.
The peasants are with us
because they hate the huang phi.

What do you believe?
I'm not interested
in politics, Mr. Vann.

What are you interested in?
My school.
