He said he'd be here.
Are the Red Sox in town?
Sorry I'm late. I got tied up. Yeah.
I was just given a chair
at Harvard, of all things.
You're kidding. Which chair?
It's black with arms, with my name on
a brass plate on the back.
From my students.
Jerry, ever thought about
getting yourself a new briefcase?
You don't change your socks
in the middle of the World Series.
Am I sitting in the right place?
Actually, we have a seat
for you here, but that's fine.
Nice pen.
- They're courtesy of the hotel.
- Really?
This is a good quality pen. Yeah.
- So?
- So, Bill...
How much did Grace make last year?
I have no idea.
But I have a feeling you do.
198 million. And Beatrice, Jerry?
- What?
- 436 million.
Together, that's 634 million.
That's one year. That's net.
So, that's what they made.
What should they be made to pay
to compensate the families,
to provide for their
economic security in the future?
Don't forget to mention you -
compensating you.
And to make sure
that this doesn't happen again.
25 million cash.