This is a good quality pen. Yeah.
- So?
- So, Bill...
How much did Grace make last year?
I have no idea.
But I have a feeling you do.
198 million. And Beatrice, Jerry?
- What?
- 436 million.
Together, that's 634 million.
That's one year. That's net.
So, that's what they made.
What should they be made to pay
to compensate the families,
to provide for their
economic security in the future?
Don't forget to mention you -
compensating you.
And to make sure
that this doesn't happen again.
25 million cash.
And another 25 million
to establish a research foundation
to study the links between
hazardous waste and illness.
And 1 .5 million per family
annually for 30 years.
320 million.
Can I ask a question?
I'm sure everyone has questions.
What's yours, Jerry?
Can I have this?