I can certainly see
what Emily was drawn to.
Yeah? What's that?
Your work. It's. . .
. . .very trashy. . .
. . .but potent.
Is that what she said?
Your anger. . .
. . .it's very controlled.
You think I'm angry?
The anger in your work.
The color of despair.
Wonder where that comes from.
I don't know.
Inside, I guess.
Inside. . .
. . .indeed.
Nowhere to sit but the goddamned bed.
You know, I envy you.
You envy me?
You should be. . .
. . .flattered.
I'm not prone to envy.
It's a pathetic emotion.
Sneaks up on you like cancer.
I've got it and you know why.
Oh, of course you do.
One of life's legitimately
sublime experiences. It's so. . .
. . .utterly complete.
Fucking my wife.
Mr. Taylor, I don't know--
I think it's about time
you called me Steven.
We're in love, sir.