Nowhere to sit but the goddamned bed.
You know, I envy you.
You envy me?
You should be. . .
. . .flattered.
I'm not prone to envy.
It's a pathetic emotion.
Sneaks up on you like cancer.
I've got it and you know why.
Oh, of course you do.
One of life's legitimately
sublime experiences. It's so. . .
. . .utterly complete.
Fucking my wife.
Mr. Taylor, I don't know--
I think it's about time
you called me Steven.
We're in love, sir.
That's it?
That's it?
You steal the crown jewel
of a man's soul. . .
. . .and your only excuse is some
candy-ass Hallmark card sentiment?
Even if it was true,
that's not good enough!
If what were true?
She is in love.
You, buddy. . .
. . .you're in business.
What the hell are you saying?
I'm saying you did not meet
my wife by chance.
I'm saying
you didn't study at Berkeley.
I'm saying you learned to paint while
doing 3 to 6 in Soledad Prison. . .
. . .for relieving a widow
in San Francisco of her life savings.
Your second conviction. . .
. . .if I'm not mistaken.
Your real name is Winston Lagrange,
which I rather like.
Born to pure trailer trash
in Barstow, California.
Ward of the courts
since the age of ten.
You went from pickpocket to car thief
to con man till you found out. . .