Both of you?
I must admit that the situation
in Richard's home is appalling.
I always believed a man should
take responsibility for his family.
When you came to me in tears
and asked me to intervene, -
- then I realised this was not
a matter to be trifled with.
That's why I arranged this meeting.
We appreciate your concern.
Todd, I've seen your record,
and every grade is way down.
Even your strongest subject,
history, is down from A to C-.
Trigonometry down to a D.
Did you know you were on your way
to finishing first in your class?
Your grandfather and I
have been talking.
With your father's work problems
and your mom ... drinking, -
- maybe home
isn't the best place to be studying.
He's offered to let you study
over at his place after school.
- I think it's a good idea.
- You do?
I've offered to go a step further,
but it means we have to make a deal.
A deal?
Finals for this quarter
are in 3 1/2 weeks.
If you can give me all A's, -
- I'll talk to your teachers
and we'll discount your mid-terms, -
- and let this quarter rest with the
final exams. B's and C's won't help.
But all A's will show everybody
that you're serious.
- You can do that?
- Yeah.
But first you've got to start
being honest with me.