You told A.J.'s dad just before he died
that you would take care of the boy.
Now I'm not sure that
shootin' him is takin' care of him.
- Why don't you put the gun down?
- You don't want none of this.
Get out of my way.
Just tryin' to give my man
a head start, that's all.
Not to mention the fact that
I don't think you wanna kill
the best man on your crew...
- before we strike oil.
- Aw, Chick, I ain't gonna kill him.
Just gonna take a foot off.
A man can work with one foot.
You remember old Frank Marx who worked
with one hand all them years?
Yeah, but he wasn't very good.
Harry, put the gun down!
You're acting insane!
Now, honey, go get some clothes on
and get out of the way.
- You can't control my life!
- Fine. Clothes. Now!
All right, stop! All right!
It was funny for a minute.
It's not funny any more.
- Fuck!
- Harry, this is illegal, man.
I'm temporarily insane, Rock.
It's all right.
[ Screaming ]
- Do I look like I'm crazy to you?
- Well--
Harry! Hey, just cool down.
- What are you doing?
Harry, stop! Cut it out.
- All right, Harry.
All right, now, listen.
Man to man. I'm serious. I love her.
Way wrong answer!
[ Screaming ]
- Whoa, whoa, Harry. It's gettin' real.
- Harry! Come on, Harry!
- You shot me!
- You shot him.
That bullet never got close.
Just a ricochet.
You know, it's all funny
till somebody gets shot in the leg!
Hey, pucker up.
We got clients incoming.
Uh, b-back in-in-- in 1974,
we-we first got the idea--
the-the possibility that-that
a meteor or an asteroid--
I need somebody who's had a little less
caffeine this morning. Doc, translate.
Yes, sir. Our first feasibility plan was
to use a spread-focus laser generator...
to heat the object
to the point of fracture.
That's like shooting a B.B. gun
at a freight train, Doc.
Uh, some of us have got this idea.
We wanna land a craft,
deploy solar sails.
You'll have a big canopy. Solar winds
will be caught by these Mylar sails.
- Okay--
- Come on, guys!
We gotta come up with something
realistic here. We got 18 days.
That's 431 hours, 15 minutes
and 18 seconds.
Time's a luxury we don't have. What?