
Way wrong answer!
[ Screaming ]
- Whoa, whoa, Harry. It's gettin' real.
- Harry! Come on, Harry!

- You shot me!
- You shot him.

That bullet never got close.
Just a ricochet.

You know, it's all funny
till somebody gets shot in the leg!

Hey, pucker up.
We got clients incoming.

Uh, b-back in-in-- in 1974,
we-we first got the idea--
the-the possibility that-that
a meteor or an asteroid--

I need somebody who's had a little less
caffeine this morning. Doc, translate.

Yes, sir. Our first feasibility plan was
to use a spread-focus laser generator...

to heat the object
to the point of fracture.

That's like shooting a B.B. gun
at a freight train, Doc.

Uh, some of us have got this idea.
We wanna land a craft,
deploy solar sails.

You'll have a big canopy. Solar winds
will be caught by these Mylar sails.

- Okay--
- Come on, guys!

We gotta come up with something
realistic here. We got 18 days.

That's 431 hours, 15 minutes
and 18 seconds.

Time's a luxury we don't have. What?
Listen, Harry, A.J. is my choice.
- My choice and not yours.
- He's the only one
in your age bracket, Grace.

It's not a choice.
It's a lack of options.

I don't know
what in the world makes you think...

that you have the right
to tell me what to do any more, Harry.

I suppose being your father
doesn't count, huh ?

- Not really.
- Since when ?

Since I reached the age of ten
and became older than you, Harry.

Since Mom split.
Why don't you take your pick?

Look, I understand that you
are handicapped by natural
immaturity, and I forgive you.

I may be an immature father,
but I'm still your employer.

And as your boss, I want you on
that crew boat tonight and back
in the office by Monday.

- You got that ?
- Okay. I quit.

Grace, you can't quit now!
- I need you to keep on working.
- [ Speaking Chinese Dialect ]

Hi, Harry!
- What are you smilin' about?
- [ Speaking Chinese Dialect ]

I've been seein' A.J.
for more than five months, Harry.

[ Speaking Chinese Dialect ]
You little hypocrite. I ever
held you back once from doing anything?
