Come on, Harry. It's not like
I'm rootin' for A.J. here.
- I'm just sayin', Grace is not
a little girl any more.
- Hey, Rock.
Wait a minute. Let me get
a pencil and a piece of paper.
I wanna jot down
all your pearls of wisdom here.
Get serious, Harry. Come on. While we're
off trottin' the globe, hunting mud,
Gracie grew up to become
a full-blown hottie, you know?
- Harry, she is fully hot. She is--
- She's a babe.
Max, okay, you're talkin'
about my little girl, all right ?
I think I know
who and what she is, okay ?
Harry, all we're sayin' is,
we're talkin' about a kid who's
comin' into her own right now.
She's gettin' curious about
her body, and she's exploring
her sexuality. You know what?
- Oscar.
- That's a natural thing.
You are about five minutes older than
Grace is. Why should I listen to you?
I know what it feels like to have
your hormones pullin' you in just...
a thousand different directions.
No disrespect, man,
but we all helped to raise her.
- So, in part, we all feel
like a bunch of daddies here.
- That's true.
I'll be damned if I worked all
these years so my little girl
can marry a roughneck.
She's better than that.
Better than all of us.
Harry, just sit back, relax. I'm gonna
put on a free Armadillo driving clinic.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, Harry!
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
[ Shouting ]
Two shuttle teams.
A.J.'ll be running
the drill team with Oscar, Bear
and Noonan on the lndependence.
I'll run the drill team on Freedom
with Chick, Rockhound and Max.
Once we land, we'll have
eight hours to get the job done.
In order to split this rock
on the fault line, we're gonna
have to drill to 800 feet.
Let's get our game faces on.
Now it's time for underwater simulation.
[ A.J. ] Come on. Let's keep it up.
Let's go. We're the younger team here.
We're on the varsity team.
Take it to 11,000.
Okay, gentlemen, we're gonna trick
'em up. My computer will simulate...
a gas pocket at 625 feet
and then hard iron ferrite at 635.
I'm gonna drill some more.
We're takin' her up.
- I'm givin' it more torque right now.
- All right, lookin' good, Bear.