What a great picture!
Look at you guys. You seem so happy.
- I guess we were.
Best friends playing ball on the driveway.
Next thing I know,
I'm on ESPN and Wheaties boxes.
It's all pretty sweet,
but since Denslow's been gone,
I'm in charge of the team,
and the whole league now.
Sometimes I forget
why I play the game.
Why do you play it, Coop?
- Mr. October.
The guy in the Chippendales calendar?
- No, that was Dwayne Zackemore.
I mean,
whoever it was that month.
I'm talking about Reggie Jackson.
He hit 3 home runs in one game.
I caught the 3rd one
in the stands.
It meant so much to me.
All I ever dreamed of was
to be that guy,
have that one shining moment.
Be a hero.
- You already are a hero, Coop.
You've won
these kids' hearts, but...
I'm just worried about getting attached.
I mean, the kids getting attached.
I don't want them to be hurt.
- Jenna,
I would never do anything to hurt...
these kids.
What Joey really needs to know is:
Where will you be next year?
Right here.
And the next year,
and the year after that.
Until Joey grows up,
and gets his driver's license
and starts going out with girls
and meets the right one and
forgets about baseketball altogether...
...goes home,
does some push-ups,
fucks the sleeve
of his favorite jacket. - What?
I'm just saying, we'll be here
for Joey. I promise.