
You've won
these kids' hearts, but...

I'm just worried about getting attached.
I mean, the kids getting attached.

I don't want them to be hurt.
- Jenna,

I would never do anything to hurt...
these kids.

What Joey really needs to know is:
Where will you be next year?

Right here.
And the next year,
and the year after that.

Until Joey grows up,
and gets his driver's license
and starts going out with girls

and meets the right one and
forgets about baseketball altogether...

...goes home,
does some push-ups,

fucks the sleeve
of his favorite jacket. - What?

I'm just saying, we'll be here
for Joey. I promise.

Oh, Coop,
I want to believe you...

Coop, check out
this cool shit we got at the hospital...

Hey, Jenna.
- Hey, Doug.

You're a little flushed. You have a temperature?
- No, I'm fine.

Open your blouse
and say "Ahh".

I gotta go. - No...
- Yeah, I'm sorry.

Thanks a lot, Dr. Dickhead. You totally
fucked me there. - It was a joke.

Give it up! She doesn't like you.
- She has the hots for you?

Squeak has a better chance.
You think?
- That's low. - Why is that low?

Right now you're jealous, but don't
blame me for my sweet ass.

I'm doing the Happy Dance...
Does this thing work?
Can you hear me on this?
- Yeah, check it out.

Wanna get a sandwich?
- Yeah, let's get a sandwich.
