At no other time in his short life...
had the pig wished more that his words
could be understood by humans,
if only to say, "Sorry, Boss".
Sorry, Boss.
Non, rien de rien
je ne regrette rien
Ni le bien
Qu'on m'a fait
Ni le mal
Tout ca m'est bien egal
Non, rien de rien
Even before her Arthur's misfortune,
Mrs. Hoggett was ceaselessly busy...
bustling, baking,
bottling and pickling,
but now, having to nurse her husband
and pay the bills,
she found life
considerably more challenging...
than she had ever anticipated.
Before long, two men showed up.
Two men in suits.
Men with pale faces
and soulless eyes.
Such men could have come
from only one place: the bank.
Where is it? Where is it?
Where is it?