Babe: Pig in the City

You knock on this door on the left.
Who lives there? I do.
Where's the bathroom?
End of the landing.

Do we provide towels?
What is that, a canine? Huh?
You canine? Little puppy dog?

Flealick, come back.
We don't know where it's been.

- Do we, Alan?
- No, Nigel.

- Feline. You're a cat?
- Do I look like a cat?

How do I know? I got the myopia. I can
barely see. If you're a cat, you gotta scat.

Hey! Kitty! You got no business
being on this floor!

You got that? No felines
on this floor. Period!

Where's the pay phone?
In the foyer.

Local calls only.
And where does the little piggy stay
at all times?

In the room.
Meow, meow, meow, meow
Meow, meow, meow

And where does the dear little fella
do his necessaries?

In the kitty litter.
Who empties it?
You do.
Any questions?

Oh. Where do I make
a long-distance phone call?

Oh, uh, two blocks south.

Stay, pig.
Babe looked out
across this vast habitat,

abundant with humans
and other creatures,

and wondered when he would
see his first sheep.

Then the thought occurred to him:
Maybe it wasn't sheepherding.
Maybe something else
was required of him.

Whatever the case,
in this place with its dark corners
and endless possibilities,

the pig felt sure he would find a way
to redeem himself.
