I'm not leaving without the bag.
I don't think my big brother,
Bob Bobalooba, the Big Banana,
is "mis-splaining"
how things work around here.
Well, I have to warn you:
I may be small,
but I can be ferocious if provoked.
And what have we here?
Well, uh, we're in a negotiation...
with this naked, pink individual.
He's of foreign extraction, Your Honor.
Possibly even an alien.
You drooling imbeciles.
This is an omnivorous mammal
of the order Ungulata,
an inconsequential species
with no other purpose...
than to be eaten by humans.
This lowly, handless,
deeply unattractive mud-lover...
is a pig.
- Oh.
- For your information,
I'm a sheep-pig,
and I've been sent to save the farm.
Come to think of it,
I should be saving the farm right now.
A- And if you can't say anything nice,
don't say anything at all.
So, will this little
pink "lunchness"...
fulfill his destiny,
nourishmentally speaking?
We shall see.
I feel very uncomfortable
with this conversation.
I want my bag back.
Get out of my way!
Uncle Fugly!
Uncle Fugly!
Uncle Fugly!
- Please let me out.
- Uncle Fugly!
There's been a theft upstairs.
Can you imagine?
Esme Hoggett, Fugly Floom.
Uncle Fugly, Esme Hoggett.
- Perhaps we should call the police.
- No, no. No police.