So, will this little
pink "lunchness"...
fulfill his destiny,
nourishmentally speaking?
We shall see.
I feel very uncomfortable
with this conversation.
I want my bag back.
Get out of my way!
Uncle Fugly!
Uncle Fugly!
Uncle Fugly!
- Please let me out.
- Uncle Fugly!
There's been a theft upstairs.
Can you imagine?
Esme Hoggett, Fugly Floom.
Uncle Fugly, Esme Hoggett.
- Perhaps we should call the police.
- No, no. No police.
No authorities. It would be the end
of this place. Surely you understand.
Oh, dear. I just phoned my Arthur to
tell him that at least his pig was safe.
- Now, on top of everything else...
- Hey! That's my human!
- Remember, we have found your clothes.
- I don't care about clothes.
But the pig...
I can't go home without the pig.
Did you get that?
Approximately five minutes ago something that
looked like a pig exited this establishment.
Where did he go? Left on Canal Street,
and then in the direction of the beach.
Okay. Thank you.
- Meow, meow
- What's that?
It's beautiful.
Oh, it's lovely.
Meow, meow
They all ran after
the farmer's wife