Babe: Pig in the City

By nightfall, all Babe's concerns,]
all the troubled voices in his head
were drowned out by one insistent moan.

The fact is, Babe's belly
was making such a fuss...

he began to believe
it was talking to him.

- Food!
- Huh?

Anybody got any food?
Hey, dogs, you got any edibles,
any nibbly-dibblies?

We got a carpet here
with some nice spaghetti stains.

- But we can't keep licking the carpet, can we, Alan?
- No, Nigel.

Hey, cats! Cats!
What about you?
No, no, no, no food
No food, no food

No food, no food
We have no food

Well, then,
I'm gonna get "proactivated".

I know where there's food a-plentiful.
We're goin' outside?
Without a human?

Could be kinda dangerous, you know,
in a lethally sort of way.

We'll stick to the shadows, honey.
It's coolness.
Hey. Hey, wait!
Wait a minute!

Where's the food?
I have to eat!

Hey, keep your voice down.
I'll do anything, absolutely anything.
Ah, go "porkinate".
What can you do?
You don't even have any hands.

What can I do?
Uh, lots.

Yeah, right.
Uh, sheep!
I can herd sheep!

Go home, sweetie.
You're making a spectacle of yourself.

Wait a momentum. I'm thinking
I might have some sheep for him to herd.
