Babe: Pig in the City

We're goin' outside?
Without a human?

Could be kinda dangerous, you know,
in a lethally sort of way.

We'll stick to the shadows, honey.
It's coolness.
Hey. Hey, wait!
Wait a minute!

Where's the food?
I have to eat!

Hey, keep your voice down.
I'll do anything, absolutely anything.
Ah, go "porkinate".
What can you do?
You don't even have any hands.

What can I do?
Uh, lots.

Yeah, right.
Uh, sheep!
I can herd sheep!

Go home, sweetie.
You're making a spectacle of yourself.

Wait a momentum. I'm thinking
I might have some sheep for him to herd.

- You do?
- Uh-huh. I'll show ya.

Right here, behind the Food-O-Rama,
is where they keep the sheep.
I'm gonna open this hole.
Open Sez-a-Bob.
They're in there.
Border Leicester
or Scottish Blackface?

Pit bull and a Doberman pinscher.
Very exotic breeds.

Uh, where do you want me to herd them?
That's up to you. Just keep them
occupied till we get the necessaries.

Anybody home?
Uh, anybody else?
