Blues Brothers 2000

Hi, Ma. It's me, Cab.
Listen, I have a...
...gentleman here who's telling me
some story about a man named Curtis.

So, what precisely do you want from me?
Seeing as we're kind of stepbrothers...
...I thought you could help me out.
I need $500 for this car.
I thought maybe you could loan me
the money. Or...

Or what?
I want to put the band back together.
You could join us.
I am a commander...
:15:53 the Illinois State Police.
I enjoy my job.
You waltz in here...
...telling me that I have a dead...
...white criminal brother,
who was in a band, which...

...the last time they played anywhere
were charged with...

...grand larceny...
...reckless endangerment,
felonious motor vehicle assault...

...over 700 violations
of the Highway Traffic Act...

...and damages, both public and private...
:16:25 excess of $24 million.
And you are asking me
if I want to join this band?

I could show you all the moves.
Get the hell out of my office, right now!
I think you need a hug.
And don't ever come back here again!
- Are you okay?
- Yeah.
