...telling me that I have a dead...
...white criminal brother,
who was in a band, which...
...the last time they played anywhere
were charged with...
...grand larceny...
...reckless endangerment,
felonious motor vehicle assault...
...over 700 violations
of the Highway Traffic Act...
...and damages, both public and private...
...in excess of $24 million.
And you are asking me
if I want to join this band?
I could show you all the moves.
Get the hell out of my office, right now!
I think you need a hug.
And don't ever come back here again!
- Are you okay?
- Yeah.
He dropped this.
The Lord works in mysterious ways.
...five hundred dollars.
Thank you, sir.
This your boy?
I'm his associate.
Yeah, that's who he is.
Lucky you came today.
I'm selling the place tomorrow.
I'm going to New Orleans
to try out a new career.
Good luck, Mr. Gasperon.
Good luck to you, Mr. Blues.
Mother Mary, we've done two bed checks...