JAY: If I have to meet
with the mackerel snappers...
can't I just dump the sultan?
MURPHY: Two seconds.
Let me make a security check.
RASTAMAN: Bulworth!
[ Singing ] Oom boop sheh bam
oh coo-coo mop
Can ya sing, Bulworth?
Rock until you can't be a ghost.
You got to sing.
Be a spirit. That's how
these niggers got here.
Ghosts got 'em
when they touched each other.
Be a spirit!
And the spirit will not descend
without song.
You got to sing, fool.
Don't be no ghost, Bulworth!
Not him. No cameras.
MURPHY: That's a tough break.
I thought
they'd let you follow us...
but the camera
must make them nervous.
How disappointing.
- He with you?
- He all right.
BOUNCER: Check your weapons.
JAY: I don't think we have
any weapons.
- Expecting trouble?
- No.
BOUNCER: You can't do nothin'
in five years.
His family owns a pork shop
for five years.
Go on. You're good.
He ain't doin' it to honor
all the subspecies of life.
[ Rap music plays ]
MAN: Hey.
JAY: Good to see you, my friend.
NINA: What you said
at the church--brave.
MURPHY: If you haven't
been able to talk to me...
you can talk to me now.
- Go stand by the door.
- Why?
- Keep a look out.
- Nobody can get in.
Good work. Sit down.
[ Raps indistinctly ]
[ Rapping ]
Tell these niggers what's up
Come, come get it
[ Continues rapping indistinctly ]