
BOUNCER: You can't do nothin'
in five years.

His family owns a pork shop
for five years.

Go on. You're good.
He ain't doin' it to honor
all the subspecies of life.

[ Rap music plays ]
MAN: Hey.
JAY: Good to see you, my friend.

NINA: What you said
at the church--brave.

MURPHY: If you haven't
been able to talk to me...

you can talk to me now.
- Go stand by the door.
- Why?

- Keep a look out.
- Nobody can get in.

Good work. Sit down.
[ Raps indistinctly ]
[ Rapping ]
Tell these niggers what's up

Come, come get it
[ Continues rapping indistinctly ]
Sir, if you're having--
Excuse me.

I need to talk to the Senator.
If you're having a problem,
we should talk about it.

What are you concerned about?
I'm concerned that you told
300 people in a black church...

they wouldn't be a factor...
as long as we're controlled
by insurance.

I'm concerned you went to
a Beverly Hills fund-raiser...

and told people in entertainment
their product is lousy.

And, since many of them
are Jewish...

you thought it prudent
to mock their Jewish paranoia.

I'm concerned we're in a club
in Compton...

before the most important
campaign swing.

God knows what illegal activity
is taking place...

and you're smoking marijuana!
I work for you.
You call the shots...

but I can do my job much better
if you just tell me--

what is this new strategy?
