Will you have a meeting
with her?
How does this approach sit...
with the National
Organization of Women?
- Hi.
- Hi.
- That speech was phat.
- "Phat"?
- You got a room here?
- Huh?
A room we can go to upstairs?
- A room?
- A room.
What do you want to do now?
We could proceed to
the church, then the debate...
or we can shut down
until the debate.
Dr. Morris Fishman
is in Paraguay.
- It's your call.
- My call?
It's my call?
I know it's my call!
JAY: Feldman?
Uh, Feldman?
REPORTER: Is Mrs. Bulworth
making the campaign swing today?
Yes, sir?
Uh, Feldman, could I
have the key to the room?
- The room?
- The room, upstairs.
Oh! Sure.
- Feldman?
- Yeah?
- Key?
- Right. Sorry.
REPORTER: You have no fear...
your big money sources
are gonna dry up?
- Senator Bulworth?
- It's in the car.
The Senator needs his room key.
MURPHY: Senator, we have
to get in the car now, sir.
Key's in the car. Let's go.
MURPHY: Why don't you
get some sleep now?
JAY: Yes. Nina and I
are going up to the room.
- That's not a good idea.
- Yes, it is.
- You and her right now?
- Yes.
MURPHY: I've got a better idea.
You and I get in the limo alone
and circle back when you want.
JAY: Why would I do that?
MAN: Will the insurance industry
respond well to your remarks?
MISSY: Senator,
where is the nappy dugout?
Where's the nappy dugout?
That's where you get the bug out
REPORTER: How are you gonna keep
the American Medical...
MISSY: Who are the girls?
JAY RAPPING: The girls?
They're friends of mine,
can't you see?
Feldman, Feldman,
where's that key?
RASTAMAN: The key's
in your hand. You got the life!
[ Rapping ] You got the life,
ain't it grand?
You got the life
Senator, how do you intend...