your big money sources
are gonna dry up?
- Senator Bulworth?
- It's in the car.
The Senator needs his room key.
MURPHY: Senator, we have
to get in the car now, sir.
Key's in the car. Let's go.
MURPHY: Why don't you
get some sleep now?
JAY: Yes. Nina and I
are going up to the room.
- That's not a good idea.
- Yes, it is.
- You and her right now?
- Yes.
MURPHY: I've got a better idea.
You and I get in the limo alone
and circle back when you want.
JAY: Why would I do that?
MAN: Will the insurance industry
respond well to your remarks?
MISSY: Senator,
where is the nappy dugout?
Where's the nappy dugout?
That's where you get the bug out
REPORTER: How are you gonna keep
the American Medical...
MISSY: Who are the girls?
JAY RAPPING: The girls?
They're friends of mine,
can't you see?
Feldman, Feldman,
where's that key?
RASTAMAN: The key's
in your hand. You got the life!
[ Rapping ] You got the life,
ain't it grand?
You got the life
Senator, how do you intend...
to be a spirit, Bulworth.
You can't be no ghost.
You got it all, Bulworth.
Ain't life grand?
Ain't it grand?
You got the life, man.
MURPHY: Let's go, Macavoy.
We're on the move.
JAY: Give me the phone.
I need Davers.
You got to be a spirit,
not a ghost!
you know where Davers is?
MACAVOY: No, sir.
Maybe he's at our next stop,
the church.
You've had a crushing weekend--
Eddie Davers. Leave a message.
You should get some sleep.
Davers, this is the Senator.
Once you get this message...
call the man you introduced me
to in Washington.
Tell him he has to cancel
the weekend research project.
It's very important.
See you at the church.