Well, noticeable,
but not artificial.
The cameras are here.
Thank you. I'm on
"News at Noon".
We're in the plush office
of a man called...
"the Michelangelo
of Manhattan".
- Ignore the camera.
- And your breasts and buttocks?
As with the great Renaissance
unsightly flesh is molded
and suctioned away...
until only youth remains...
or the illusion of youth.
I'm out of here. I should go.
Outside in the waiting room,
anxious faces...
await transmogrification
into perfection.
We don't do penis enlargements.
We don't have the space.
We're talking about 3 inches.
Socialite Pinky Virdon...
uses the VIP entrance
for the privileged few...
who do not have to plan eons
in advance for an appointment.
I'm not blaming you, I have to go.
I'll tell you what.
I'll get your coat.
- We'll go out the side exit.
- The side exit.
Relax, I'll be right back.
The waiting room's here.
Why don't you get comments
from those women?
Don't forget the nurses.
Sorry if we're
disturbing you.
I got a film crew here.
- I was just going.
- Dr Lupus said...
He did a great job on you.
You look great.
Are my lips too thin?
Not for me. Whatever he
charged you, it was worth it.
Thanks very much.
I'm Tony Gardella.
I produce "News at Noon."
- And you are?
- Robin Simon.
What do you do?
I'm a schoolteacher.
Great, so you saved your money,
invested it here and now...
you're a knockout!
I'm here for a consultation.
He hasn't done anything to me.
From the point of
view of a total stranger...
I wouldn't change a freckle.
Well thank you.
"I have always depended on
the kindness of strangers."