The waiting room's here.
Why don't you get comments
from those women?
Don't forget the nurses.
Sorry if we're
disturbing you.
I got a film crew here.
- I was just going.
- Dr Lupus said...
He did a great job on you.
You look great.
Are my lips too thin?
Not for me. Whatever he
charged you, it was worth it.
Thanks very much.
I'm Tony Gardella.
I produce "News at Noon."
- And you are?
- Robin Simon.
What do you do?
I'm a schoolteacher.
Great, so you saved your money,
invested it here and now...
you're a knockout!
I'm here for a consultation.
He hasn't done anything to me.
From the point of
view of a total stranger...
I wouldn't change a freckle.
Well thank you.
"I have always depended on
the kindness of strangers."
Well, I better get
on with this thing.
Back to work.
forgive me, but...
are you married or anything? And
if not, what are you doing later?
- Later, when?
- Six o'clock.
- Why?
- Want to go to a screening?
A screening?
Of a new John
Papadakis film.
I have to go and I thought
you'd like to go.
Thank you,
but I can't.
I don't often go to the films...
and I haven't
heard of that director.
But thanks for
thinking of me.
She'll be happy to go.
This is my...
Accepting for Ms. Simon,
her friend, Cheryl.
And your divorce? Are you
friendly with your ex-husband?