"As I walk along the stony shore
of the pond in my shirtsleeves.... "
"...Amazon basin in the north,
once an island sea.... "
"The highest truth on the
subject remains unsaid...
...probably cannot be said.
For all that we say is the far-off
remembering of the intuition... "
"...she begins to pull away from
the awareness she had once.... "
"Commencing search. "
Searching my soul.
What happened to the cards?
You could touch the cards.
She's been looking
at me for haIf an hour.
Maybe if ljust hang here....
"This is a delicious evening,
when the whole body's one sense.... "
What if I screamed?
What if ljust screamed right now?
"When a woman decides to sleep
with a man.... "
"You knew there would always
be a spring...
...as you knew the river
would flow again after it was frozen.
When the cold rains kept on
and killed the spring...
...it was as though a young person
had died for no reason. "
All right, they have rescheduled
the operation for Monday.
What happened yesterday?
They had a goIf tournament.
Who knows with these people?
Good morning, Mr. Messinger.
The "G" is soft, like "messenger."
What's on your lip?
What? Am I slobbering here?