...it was as though a young person
had died for no reason. "
All right, they have rescheduled
the operation for Monday.
What happened yesterday?
They had a goIf tournament.
Who knows with these people?
Good morning, Mr. Messinger.
The "G" is soft, like "messenger."
What's on your lip?
What? Am I slobbering here?
-Where did you get that?
-What am l, a prisoner?
You want to get well, or
you want Ben & Jerry's?
This operation is a big deal.
Continue to eat like this...
...and you might as well skip it.
Save the 30 grand.
If you'd have performed the operation
yesterday like you were supposed to...
...I'd be sucking carrots through
a straw in my arm. What happened?
Circumstances were not optimal
for the procedure.
I ain't "the procedure." My name is
Nathan Messinger and I'm right here.