I don't wanna play games
with you.
You wanted to go dancing,
you danced.
Just leave it at that.
It was a two-hour bus ride...
but I forgive you.
You forgive me?
We didn't go together.
- We had a date.
- It wasn't a date.
We just went dancing
and you made me feel like an idiot...
'cause you said
you couldn't dance.
I said I couldn't do
what you do.
I don't know what
change ball means.
The music tells me
how to dance.
It's ball change.
I'm Cuban.
Of course I know how to dance.
Here's your ticket.
I don't like people
laughing at me.
I've been left on my ass
one too many times to think it's funny.
I didn't mean to insult you
at the club.
I apologize if I did.
I was just trying to have fun
with you.
A little rum, a little dancing,
a little jokes.
I didn't know
that would be so hard.
It will never...
happen again.
No, let me tell him, okay?