Dangerous Beauty

My marriage must be a marriage of state.
My people are true citizens
700 years back.

A coat of arms does not
an inheritance make.

I speak of love and you talk of money.
Of my duty.
And your heart?
This isn't about my heart,
it's about politics.

How romantic.
Marriage isn't romantic.
That's why God invented poetry.

To sweeten men's lying lips!
If I were a liar,
would I tell you this now?

If you cared for me,
you could not tell me this ever.

I want you.
Not enough.
Daughter, you have reached too high.
I told you, marriage is a contract.
To a man of Marco's station,
it has nothing to do with love.

But you can still have Marco.
But not in wedlock.
There's an alternative to marriage.
You'll become a courtesan.
I've seen you watching them.
I've seen you mesmerized by them.

You'll become a courtesan...
