Daughter, you have reached too high.
I told you, marriage is a contract.
To a man of Marco's station,
it has nothing to do with love.
But you can still have Marco.
But not in wedlock.
There's an alternative to marriage.
You'll become a courtesan.
I've seen you watching them.
I've seen you mesmerized by them.
You'll become a courtesan...
...like your mother used to be.
You were a courtesan?
One of the best.
A long time ago.
I had hoped to buy you a good marriage.
But your father...
...drank away your dowry.
Your brother must buy his posting.
And I am too old.
It is you...
...who must support us now.
Look at these hands.
Too soft...
...for a scullery maid...
...or working the winery.
Perhaps a lady's maid.