why wasn't this announcement
made sooner?
Well, until we knew
we could build the rocket
and the comet
could be intercepted,
we saw no reason
to alarm the planet.
- Sir!
- Mr President!
Do you have another
question, Ms Lerner?
Yeah. Um...
Is--Is there a connection
between the comet
and the recall of American
troops from abroad?
Beck: Our fighting men
and women are coming home
because we felt it prudent,
in light of domestic
security concerns,
to have them available.
Although I certainly hope
we don't need to use them.
Next question.
Reporters: Mr President!
Actually, Mr President,
if--just one final
question, sir. Um...
MSNBC has learned that
Secretary Rittenhouse
did not leave
for the reasons
announced by
your administration.
In fact,
isn't it true, sir,
that not everyone
in your administration
is convinced that the
Messiah will save us?
Secretary Rittenhouse served
his country with full devotion.
He resigned
for personal reasons.
Now, I can promise you this,
Ms Lerner, all of you,
everyone in this room and
everyone listening to my voice,
that at some point
over the next 10 months,
all of us will entertain
our worst fears and concerns.
But I can also
promise you this.
Life will go on.
We will prevail.
Mr President!
Beck: Sally.
Sir, what is
the comet's name?
The 2 scientists
who found the comet
were killed in a car crash
while racing from their
observatory to alert the world.
So we named it for them.
Leo Biederman,
they said it again.
Leo, is he talking
about you?
He is, isn't he?
Can you get that,
Janie, get the door.
Beck: Well, we have the
technology to build the ship.