Deep Impact

Secretary Rittenhouse served
his country with full devotion.

He resigned
for personal reasons.

Now, I can promise you this,
Ms Lerner, all of you,

everyone in this room and
everyone listening to my voice,

that at some point
over the next 10 months,

all of us will entertain
our worst fears and concerns.

But I can also
promise you this.

Life will go on.
We will prevail.
Mr President!

Beck: Sally.
Sir, what is
the comet's name?

The 2 scientists
who found the comet

were killed in a car crash
while racing from their
observatory to alert the world.

So we named it for them.
Leo Biederman,
they said it again.

Leo, is he talking
about you?

He is, isn't he?

Can you get that,


Janie, get the door.
Beck: Well, we have the
technology to build the ship.

They have the technology
to make it go.

There's someone at
the door for you, Leo.


Newscaster: You've been
watching live coverage

of President Tom Beck...
I can't believe this.
This is so weird.

Dr Wolf
from Astronomy Club?

Yeah, I guess so.
I think
it's really neat.

Nobody on our block
discovered the world
was gonna end before.

Dan: He's still
very much alive.

He's still alive, everyone.
He's right here,
and he's still alive.

Hey, Leo, cool!

Leo: As far as we know,
what happened was
that Doctor Wolf

saw the comet
in my photograph,

so he shared
the discovery with me,

and then he was killed
in that crash

and everything got
mixed up in Washington,

so the president
thought I was dead, too.

- Leo!
- Leo!

How does it feel
having your name on it?

I don't want anyone to think
that I'm trying to take
something away from Dr Wolf,

because I'm not,
but it's kind of cool.

- Leo!
- Leo!

