whenever I find myself...
people's hats off,
then I account it
high time
to get to sea
as soon as I can."
Listen up!
Hold it right there!
- Biederman?
- That's us.
IDs, please.
Yeah. Got them
right here.
There's 4 of us.
Lieutenant: Lewis?
This is my wife Sarah.
We have a marriage licence.
Um, I have it right here.
All right. Let's go.
Let's move it out!
Mom? Sir? My parents
are coming, too.
Wait! The Hotchners.
It's not here.
It has to be there.
FCDA sent their names
to the White House.
They're not there.
Check the list again.
They must be there.
Dan: Give me
your bag, sweetie.
They're not on the list.
I'm sorry.
Let's go!
Sir! Could you check
it one more time?
I put you on the list.
They said you're on the list.
I put them on the list!
We're not on the list.
Lieutenant: I need the
Biedermans on the bus now.
- What?
- I want to stay.
No, no, no, no!
I need to stay
with you!
Sarah! Sarah,
you need to go.
No. I have to stay
with you.
I'm not going anywhere
without you!
get on the bus!
Young lady,
this bus is moving out.
Dan: On the bus!
Get on the bus!
Chuck, we'll work it out
when we get there.