Doctor Dolittle

- What happened?
- He's gone into arrest. I don't feel a pulse.

- Oh, my God, he's a goner.
- He's not breathing.

- Johnny.
- Maybe we should shock him, huh?

- I don't know.
- The paddles'll be too big. He needs CPR.

- You know how to do CPR?
- I can't even spell it.

- OK.
- I can't even look. Doc, no.

- No, Johnny.
- For Chris sakes.

You didn't even wine him or dine him, doc.
I think my friend would rather die.

No tongue, doc.
- Come on. I got no pulse.
- Doc, do something.

- John...
- Not now.

- Honey...
- Lisa, please!

I'm hungry.
It's a false alarm. There's nothing wrong
with him. He just has gas.

- Whoa, you're telling me!
- He just had gas.

You're back.
I don't care if you stink. I love ya, pal.

Thanks a lot, little buddy. I felt your presence.
Lisa, stop looking at me like that.
John Dolittle.
Who'd have ever thought
you would end up in a mental institution?

Number one in our medical school class.
Not that I'm jealous, John.
Someone had to finish first.

And someone had to finish last too.
So, John. You talk to animals now, do ya?
Would you like to tell me about it?
Or would you rather tell Bettelheim?

- I don't need to talk to your cat, Blain.
- Why? Do you think he'd talk back to you?

- You know, he just might.
- And what would he say?

I'd say you were a butt head.
I really like this cat.
He's recommending you stay
a minimum often days.

You really think I need to be here
for that long?
