The government is goingto call off all garbage runs.
We are being driven out of this place.
This is not fair to the peoplewho live here.
If the epidemic is really prevailingin this area...
they should have done somethinga long time ago...
but they didn't do a thing about it.They didn't try to protect us.
Now look at us. The disease iswide-spread and everyone is sick.
Now they want us to move into tentsand schools like refugees.
Why should I cooperate with them?
With no prevention,the epidemic will break out.
What if we werecarrying the virus?
You can't just move usanywhere you want to.
Some people havelived here for generations.
The government can't make usleave our homes.
I'll just dump my rubbish anywhere.To hell with our government.
I'll dump my garbage where I can't see it,or somewhere other people can't see it.
Or I'll just put them whereverother people put them...
They should burn us all,
together with the garbage!
Taiwan's Health Administration...
has issued a statement...
in response to sharp criticismfrom WHO.
Though we haven't been able to identifythe name of this epidemic or its origin,
we are very confident thatwe can take care of it in the shortest time.