I assure you, I tried to help him
from the moment he fell ill...
but Rafael always rejected
my support and affection.
I may not have loved him then...
but not for one moment
did I stop caring for him.
How fine a thing it would be...
if you and I could weep now...
for that loved one.
But however terrible
all this is...
I can't forget that
what is really important...
is the other matter.
The other matter?
I don't understand.
I don't know what you mean.
You do know.
In fact, you're the only person
in the world who does know.
There's a letter.
From Rafael?
For me?
He wrote it...
on the night he died.
He left it half written...
on the table
in his wretched inn.
He didn't have time
to finish it.
They sent it to me
with his clothes...