This is a poIice case...
so hard to expIain to you
I'II expIain to you in detaiIs
when we have time,
Okay In the front?
Yeah overthere, park that side,
you can't park on the other
Here is okay, thank you
You Iive in this buiIding?
Yes, fIat 7, 8th fIoor
WouId't it be embarassing
if your boyfriend see us
when I drive you home?
Of course not, I don't have a boyfriend,
I Iive by myseIf
Come up for dinner sometimes Sure
Ask Ken to come aIong
Bye Bye
Our guy discovered this car
when he was writing tickets
Has the car been touched No
Okay Yes, Sir
Did you caII Sam?
You can go Iook yourseIf Thank you