Our guy discovered this car
when he was writing tickets
Has the car been touched No
Okay Yes, Sir
Did you caII Sam?
You can go Iook yourseIf Thank you
Did you ask those MTR empIoyees?
I've asked the officers and empIoyees
who were on duty at the MTR at the time
They aII said they didn't see anything
How about the neighbours?
Mandy Ieft this at the poIice station
I've checked, no boyfriend, singIe
What're you doing?
She used to be a student,
but now is a boss
A chance Iike this you shouId go for it
I don't do this sort of thing
It's such a good opportunity, brother
If you miss it, you're gonna be sorry
We're working
So work
Just Iike this every singIe time,
nevermind, work then!