Hey, halt!
Doggone it!
Get this junk outta here!
Unless you're prepared to drown.
I'm trying to. It's stalled.
Put it in neutral, slide
your wheel to the left...
It's a friggin' mess down here.
So...are we all gonna die?
Yeah, we're all gonna die.
Just not yet.
But I am gonna
have to let out more.
My worst was Sweet 16.
I had mono.
What about you, Wayne?
What was your worst birthday?
Think I could've had
a birthday worse than this?
What kind of loser
you think I am?
Don't answer that, Phil.
Hank's gonna open another gate.
We're gonna get another surge.
Get these cars outta here.
Well, hello, gentlemen.
Wayne, happy birthday.
Mike, I gotta tell you,
what you're doing,
dunno if I'd be here.
You would if you wanted to earn
the last two pay cheques
some bastard owed you.
People round here
made a big mistake.
You're the one that screwed him.
Mr Mayor, much as
I'd like to stand around
talking about how great I am,
you don't get moving,
I'll haul your ass to jail.
OK, I'm going.
Keep up the good work, boys.
It's appreciated.
Let's torch that
son of a bitch's house
and blame it on looters.
Or put a dead cow
in his living room.
He comes back after it's been
in water a couple of days...
Know the best way to get revenge
on the mayor and his boys?
Do exactly what we're doin' -
protect the town.