- I don't eat my boogers!
- Yes, you do!
Man, you never seen me
eat my boogers.
How many you see me eat?
One, two or three?
I came to this court by myself.
Why you gotta follow me?
- Maybe I wanted to play with Jesus.
- Jesus!
[ All ]
Jesus! Jesus!
- Jesus!
- Look at that.
Moses parted the Red Sea,
not Jesus.
- Moses, Jesus, whatever.
- Whatever?
Everybody and their mama's running
around sayin' they're born again.
[ Scoffs ] Especially all
these athletes and entertainers.
They get caught smokin' crack
in the hotel with ten whores.
All of a sudden they have a religious
experience? They find Jesus, all right.
What's wrong with finding Jesus, huh?
What's wrong with that?
How come you never hear Jesus being
praised in the losers' locker room then?
- They're probably cursin'
that motherfucker out.
- Hey, wait, wait, wait.
- First, number one--
- God ain't shit.
Number one, why you gotta use
all this kinda language?
You some kind of heathen now?
You don't make no mistakes?
You be out here shootin', but you
don't miss no shots ever? Ever?
People make mistakes. People veer off
the path. So what? God forgives them.
- Has God forgiven you
for killing my mother?
- I pray that He has.
- I believe He has. When will you?
- Never.
All right.
Well, hey, look.
- Hey. Shit.
- "Thou shall not kill."
- lsn't that from the Good Book?
- That's in the Good Book. So?
So what? Ain't nothin' I can do, son,
that can bring your mother back.
What you want me to do, huh?
Did you even love my mother?
Y es, I loved her!
I loved her more than life itself.
You sure did have
a hell of a way of showin' it.
When you goin' back anyway?
[ Man ] Yo, I got next.
I got next game, bro.
[ People Chattering ]