You some kind of heathen now?
You don't make no mistakes?
You be out here shootin', but you
don't miss no shots ever? Ever?
People make mistakes. People veer off
the path. So what? God forgives them.
- Has God forgiven you
for killing my mother?
- I pray that He has.
- I believe He has. When will you?
- Never.
All right.
Well, hey, look.
- Hey. Shit.
- "Thou shall not kill."
- lsn't that from the Good Book?
- That's in the Good Book. So?
So what? Ain't nothin' I can do, son,
that can bring your mother back.
What you want me to do, huh?
Did you even love my mother?
Y es, I loved her!
I loved her more than life itself.
You sure did have
a hell of a way of showin' it.
When you goin' back anyway?
[ Man ] Yo, I got next.
I got next game, bro.
[ People Chattering ]
[ Girl ]
I wanna go eat.
Jesus, you off
the phone yet?
You been on the phone
all night.
All these schools callin', we need
to just get another unlisted number.
- It still gets out.
- I'll be so glad when
all this stuff is over.
- I know you will.
- How long's it gonna be?
- Monday morning.
- Praise the Lord, and thank you, Jesus.
[ Chuckles ]
You think that's funny, don't you?
- I like teasing you.
- I know you do.
Everybody says I'm gonna be rich,
won't have to worry about a thing.
- Did your father tell you that?
- No, but everybody else in the world.
Everybody else
in the world don't know.
Everybody says you're gonna play pro
ball and have your own Nike sneakers...
and star in commercials
and make mad loot.
So much money that we won't be
in Coney lsland no more.
What did I tell you about listening
to what people say?
I hear what you say, but if
everybody's sayin' the same
thing, it's gotta be true.
Uncle Bubba even said you were
gonna buy him and Aunt Sally
some new house in Long lsland.