- You I will see later.
- Okay.
See you later.
Okay. Please, please
let this party work for me.
You know, I don't know
what's the matter.
I seem to be doing
everything wrong.
Okay. Good, better, best.
Never let it rest until your good
is better and your better is best.
Oh. Hope I'm not
- Say, could we have a little chat for a second?
- Oh, yes.
You may have noticed some
increased activity in the apartment.
Yes, I did notice all the flowers.
I think it's beautiful.
Right. That's because I'm having
a little get-together here.
- Wonderful. Oh.
- I know. It's a business function.
Now, uh... I'm not gonna
lock you in here...
'cause, well, frankly,
I think it's illegal.
But, um, as a favor to me...
uh, the guy who paid your medical
expenses and has given you shelter...
would you please...
stay in the room?
I'll be right here, Ricky.
Great. Thank you.
- That's quite an outfit you have on there, Ricky.
- What?
Quite an outfit
you have on there.
Thank you.
Good night.
Think it's too much?
Personally, I would, um...
I would lose
the pocket thing.
Oh, the hanky?
- The hanky? Yes.
- I like the hanky.
It's just a traditional, uh...
I don't like it.
Uh, so before we start,
do you want anything?
You know, there's frozen stuff...
pizza or whatever.
And you've got a jar of that
delicious "urinade" in the fridge.
Oh. I'm fine.
I have everything that I need.