But, um, as a favor to me...
uh, the guy who paid your medical
expenses and has given you shelter...
would you please...
stay in the room?
I'll be right here, Ricky.
Great. Thank you.
- That's quite an outfit you have on there, Ricky.
- What?
Quite an outfit
you have on there.
Thank you.
Good night.
Think it's too much?
Personally, I would, um...
I would lose
the pocket thing.
Oh, the hanky?
- The hanky? Yes.
- I like the hanky.
It's just a traditional, uh...
I don't like it.
Uh, so before we start,
do you want anything?
You know, there's frozen stuff...
pizza or whatever.
And you've got a jar of that
delicious "urinade" in the fridge.
Oh. I'm fine.
I have everything that I need.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
- Have fun.
- Thank you. You too.
That's what he said.
You know, our numbers are competitive
with all the other channels...
but our demographics
are just the best in the business.
I saw ads on laundry balls.
I should put my programme
next to a laundry ball ad...
when I'm entirely working
on beauty?
How can I be close to that kind of...
It's too vulgar.
Absolutely. Can I introduce you
to a beautiful person?
I'll be right back.
Excuse me one second.
- Thank you so much.
- You're welcome.
- You look just gorgeous.
- As good as a foot model?
- Better.
- Better.
Ricky, this is Scott Hawkes.
Trust me, this woman has
the most elegant toes I've ever seen.
That's fine, Scott.
- Can I take you right over to see...
- Nino! Che cosa?
Oh, Scott Hawkes.
How nice.
Yes, he's a jerk;
no, we're not together...
and, trust me,
he's the best at what he does.