Jack Frost

He'll only sign one act.
There's 3 other bands...

...and he'll only sign us
if we go to his party in Aspen.

I know.
There's got to be another time
he can see you.

According to Kaplan,
there is no other time. This is it.

Don't worry. Forget about it.
It's too hard, because...

Hold on a second.
I don't even want to go.
Let's see if we can work this out.
I mean, how Long
do you have to play?

I don't know. That's a good point.
Could maybe play a half an hour.

Don't play a whole set. They can tell
how you sound in a few songs.

Get out...
Maybe I could borrow Mac's car.
I could drive back.

That way I could be back
by Christmas night.

But I'll miss Christmas Day for sure.
What's this?
I gave this to you.

I don't want it.
This is going to be a great gig, man.
We'll rock this guy's house and
blow it apart. He'll have to remodel.

This is the one. I'm telling you.
This is a good thing.

- So when do you want me to pull over?
- Right now. Over here.

What am I, crazy? I got a great wife.
I got a great kid.

I'm not living this life anymore.
I'm going home.

You're making the right decision.

If they like us now,
they'll like us next week.

It's Christmas.
They can mail us the contract.

- How do I explain this to the guys?
- Are you nuts? Watch this.

Hey, guys.
- The gig's off.
- Thank you, Santa.
