Kangwon-do ui him

Let's put on your socks...
Good boy
You could take the
shoes off yourself

Come here
Have you seen
my beeper?

Your beeper?
It isn't like you
to lose something

I got a page in the room last night,
now it's gone

You'll find it
It couldn't have
gone anywhere

You need to
press the star key

That's it
And hang up when
you hear the beep

I don't hear it
Hang up now
Let's clean this up
while we wait

I hear the beep
Found it
- There it is
- You found it

Well done, Keumbin
well done

He bears such
grudge for not

getting tenured
at a university

He earns next
to nothing and

yet he has to
have sashimi

Try not to drink so much
Do you really
want to go for a walk?

- Are you OK?
- Yes

Are you out
of your mind?
