He's here!
No doubt about it. Hepatitis.
I'm giving you some glucose.
He has a little fever.
Not serious.
I'll examine him later.
Sorry for my superior's
rudeness the other day.
Forget it. Nowadays,
we're nothing against the army.
No, I'm just fine.
Actually, I got my orders.
I see.
In view of the situation,
I'm ready to die for my country.
My father died of hepatitis.
You, doctor, battle it night and day.
I came to give you this.
A microscope.
Oblique angle.
Light it from the side,
the corpuscles sparkle.
I'd be happy if you can use it.
Thank you.
I'll be able to approach the pathogenic agent
of hepatitis
With a higher definition lens,
and stronger light,
you can enlarge up to 2,000 times!
2,000 times?