Le Violon rouge

You need method.
You must think...

...and work!
-Won't you eat?

-You must eat!
-Do you want something eIse?

Try this cheese. I think you'II
Iike it. It's French.

-Try some.
-Taste it.

You'II see, a IittIe different
from the monk's crumbIy cheese!

Go on.
Kaspar, if you pIay weII,
you'II enjoy the finest fare.

We can't afford coaI,
Iet aIone food!

SeII your jeweIry! SeII your David! He
voted to behead the king, the monster!

My boy...
pIay weII, and there wiII be cheese.
VioIin... cheese.
-May I go to my room now?
-Go ahead. And sIeep weII.

Madame Poussin wiII assist
you in your prayers.

Why speak French?
He doesn't understand.

So he'II Iearn!
I want them to know who taught him.
Good morning, Poussin.
I pride myseIf on visiting the Taufer
Orphanage three times a year...

to offer my services as a teacher,
as a gesture of support...

for those good men of the cIoth.
This year, they caIIed earIy.

I was skepticaI, but...
when this chiId raised his bow...
when he pIayed his first note,
weII, Baron von SpieImann...
