Le Violon rouge

Madame Poussin wiII assist
you in your prayers.

Why speak French?
He doesn't understand.

So he'II Iearn!
I want them to know who taught him.
Good morning, Poussin.
I pride myseIf on visiting the Taufer
Orphanage three times a year...

to offer my services as a teacher,
as a gesture of support...

for those good men of the cIoth.
This year, they caIIed earIy.

I was skepticaI, but...
when this chiId raised his bow...
when he pIayed his first note,
weII, Baron von SpieImann...

I knew my prayers
had been answered.

You've unearthed another

I've got no money for you, Poussin.
I have no concerts to offer you.

-It isn't for the money.
-I suggest you find another patron.

-Must I beg?
-Isn't that what you're doing?

I am.
In three weeks...
I'm hoIding a private audition
at my saIon.

Prince MannsfeId is Ieaving
for Prussia...

and seeks a prodigy
to accompany him.

He must hear this boy.
Three weeks. Can you be ready?

-I couId be ready tomorrow.
-Be very certain, Poussin.

-If you embarrass me again...
-I've charmed the crowned heads...
