I knew my prayers
had been answered.
You've unearthed another
I've got no money for you, Poussin.
I have no concerts to offer you.
-It isn't for the money.
-I suggest you find another patron.
-Must I beg?
-Isn't that what you're doing?
I am.
In three weeks...
I'm hoIding a private audition
at my saIon.
Prince MannsfeId is Ieaving
for Prussia...
and seeks a prodigy
to accompany him.
He must hear this boy.
Three weeks. Can you be ready?
-I couId be ready tomorrow.
-Be very certain, Poussin.
-If you embarrass me again...
-I've charmed the crowned heads...
Where are those heads now? RoIIing
in the gutters of the new RepubIic!
No, no, no!
The first phrase, the entire section,
must be pIayed staccato.
A modern styIe, weII and good,
but Iet's not be crude.
-You Iiked it, didn't you?
I'm deIighted.
You're going to pIay it again.
You're going to pIay it
again and again and again.
See this? It's a cIockwork
chronometer, of my invention.
It's caIIed the Poussin-meter.