Yes, I see.
WeII, put her through
when you can.
We're on hoId.
You shouId teII her our story.
ExpIain its past.
Brother, pIease, she doesn't care.
She's doing her job.
But if you convince her...
-Father Viktor, good morning.
-Good morning.
This is Suzanne. They're just cIosing
Iot 71. Can you hear the auctioneer?
SoId to the Iady on my Ieft.
Yes, I can hear him.
Suzanne, how do I teII you
when I want to...
Leave it to me, Sir.
Just teII me when you want to stop.
...a masterpiece of the Golden Age.
If she would give us the pleasure.
I feeI heIpIess.
Isn't there something we can do?
Yes. We can pray.
This time the last order bid is at
US$ 250,000. Let's open the floor.
Who wiII start us off? US$ 260,000.
Good evening, Mr. RuseIsky.
US$ 270,000.
Suzanne, on the teIephone.
US$ 280,000. Back to you, Sir.
US$ 300,000. I see you, Suzanne.
And then...
a man comes into your life.
A handsome man...